Kirin Optical Platfrom Filmy Series Introduction

release time:2024-03-27

Why develop the cicada wing lens?

1) At present, the lamps and lanterns tend to be miniaturized, and the height of the lamps is also becoming ultra-thin. The space left for optics is relatively short, and ultra-thin and light-controllable optical lenses are required.

2) The existing optical solutions on the market (plating lens), the product height is indeed relatively short, but the efficiency is relatively low, and the light control angle is not accurate.

3) Need to meet the optical lens of intelligent dimming, realize the function of dimming and color adjustment.

Filmy Series——A lens as thin as a cicada wing

Feature 1: Ultra-thin design

Triple total reflection technology, Under the premise of limited optics, through three total reflections, the optical path is increased to realize effective light control.

Feature 2: Exquisite appearance

Calculus combined with triple total reflection technology, the lens looks like a blooming flower, which is very delicate when used as a lamp.

Feature 3: Compatible with color-changing temperature light source

The Triple total reflection technology makes the lens match the dual-color temperature light source, with uniform light spots, and no shadows and sun spots.

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